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Bienvenue (Welcome) to "The Horizon Calls | Let's GEAUX" a Travel Blog by Ashonté S. Lyles

Updated: Apr 7

Come with me as I Unveil the World's Diverse Cultures Through Travel

By Ashonté S. Lyles

Let’s GEAUX (go) on a journey through the mosaic of my life's travels. I've been traveling practically from the moment I set foot on this planet. My journey began in the Gentilly Faubourg of the Seventh Ward of New Orleans, Louisiana. When I was just one year old, Uncle Sam relocated my small family branch, led by my father, who had become a newly minted Marine sniper, halfway across the country to Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base in Oceanside, California. As the Sam Cooke song goes, “I was born by the river... and just like the river, I've been running ever since.”

The Horizon Call | Let's GEAUX
1996 Airman Basic Ashonté, USAF Basic Training, San Antonio, TX (USA)

Throughout my lifetime, I've traveled the globe, first as a military dependent or brat as we are often called, then as a young woman trying to find my footing, then as a service member in the US Air Force, and at last for exploration’s sake. 

What You Will Read Here

The Horizon Calls chronicles not just destinations, but also the complex array of experiences that have become the lifeblood of my existence. You can expect to read about the bustling energy of sports events, the soul-stirring verses of poetry slams, the infectious rhythms of festivals, the harmonious melodies of live music, the captivating strokes of art shows, and the delectable flavors of culinary masterpieces from around the world.

That's Not All

But it's not just about the present; we'll also delve into the past and connect with history and culture. We'll celebrate the exuberance of Carnival and marvel at the timeless ruins of Pompeii. Through these narratives, we'll explore how the past continues to influence the present, making every trip an opportunity to learn, grow, and appreciate the beauty of our world.

Navigating The Horizon Calls

THC Nomads, within these digital realms lies a treasure chest of exploration waiting to be unearthed. Here are some tips for navigating The Horizon Calls blogosphere:


  • Picture this - Click through the images in each article; secrets are revealed in the captions & links.


  • Videos that transport - Click through the site for stunning videos from around the globe. Within each article, click play and be instantly transported to ancient ruins, bustling markets, lively sports events & more.


  • Get Linked-up - Click the links to distant shores, promising hidden gems and insider tips.


So, fellow adventurers, as you explore our blog site, remember to not merely skim the surface but to delve into every nook and cranny, for therein lies the true essence of exploration. Click through pics, videos, and links, and let your curiosity be your compass as you chart your course through our digital wonderland.


The Horizon Calls, Let's GEAUX! Stay for a while and let the adventures unfold! 🌍

Let's GEAUX (go)

As we cross one horizon at a time, I hope you'll find inspiration, information, and maybe a few experiences you’ll want to add to your travel dream sheet. The Horizon Calls, Let’s GEAUX "for a ride on a fantastic voyage.” - Lakeside


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